Nicky Goulimis
Senior Advisor

At Re:Co, Nicky is focused on supporting the leadership in strategy and product development. Nicky is a co-founder of Nova Credit: a global credit bureau company serving migrants. In this capacity, she has partnered with some of the largest enterprises in the world (HSBC, Amex, Verizon) and raised over $100M of venture funding, serving hundreds of thousands of people who are excluded from the credit system. When Nicky's not working, she tends to her tomato plants and sings (rather flatly, by her own admission!) to her toddler.

Prior to Nova Credit, Nicky was a consultant at Bain & Company where she served a number of European retail banks. Nicky began her career in the international development space working for Ethiopia’s Ministry of Agriculture on its smallholder farmer financial access initiatives as well as for a Ugandan NGO.