Harlin Singh Urofsky is the Global Head of Sustainable Investing for Citi Global Wealth and works across Citi's investment divisions. Ms. Singh is an observing member of the Global Investment Committee and oversees the sustainable investing platform. In this interview we discuss what true ESG integration into investment decision making looks like, interdependencies between ESG metrics and much more.
Interdependencies between ESG factors matter
Topics historically have been looked at in isolation but we know, for example, that affordability will play a huge role in the energy transition. Healthcare is highly dependent on biodiversity. Education significantly impacts health. The main point is that connectivity between these factors is increasingly in focus.
Integration of ESG into investment decision means ESG data drives decision making
It shouldn’t be optional to use ESG data in a decision if you’re calling your process integrated. ESG integration is not just about risk but also opportunities to generate alpha. Ultimately ESG data is better, more available and should be driving decisions.
There’s an opportunity to ‘report impact up’
For example, if your portfolio company or fund is reporting impact on education, why don’t we ask those who were educated how they were impacted? This is an opportunity for innovation.