Episode 31
Lisen Wirén & Pia Heidenmark Cook
Embedding Sustainability

In the latest episode of the Future in Sound podcast we speak to sustainability experts Lisen Wirén and Pia Heidenmark Cook, co-authors of "Embedding Sustainability." Pia is a senior sustainability leader with over 25 years of global industry experience including having served as Chief Sustainability Officer for IKEA. Today she's a non executive director, senior advisor, and a keynote speaker across multiple sectors. Lisen is a sustainable business leader with over 15 years of international industry experience. She's worked with sustainability and product development, supply chain compliance, and held the position of sustainability manager in the retail sector. Join us in conversation with these two leading sustainability influencers as we dive deep into the nuances of making sustainability core to how your business operates and drives market value.

Integrate Sustainability at the Core:

Begin by identifying key areas where sustainability can be integrated directly into your business strategy and day-to-day operations. Then commit to making sustainability an integral part of your corporate identity and decision-making processes.

Leverage Challenges for Innovation:

Sustainability isn’t just about being better stewards of the planet—it’s also a fantastic springboard for innovation. Foster a culture where sustainable innovation is rewarded and recognised.

Build Trust Through Transparency:

Effective communication and transparency with stakeholders is more important than ever, especially when it comes to long-term goals. Pia and Lisen emphasise the need for clear, ongoing dialogue to ensure that all efforts align with the broader goals of sustainability and corporate responsibility.