Episode 28
Shami Nissan
Shared Value in Practice

With over 20 years’ experience in responsible investment, Shami Nissan is a leader in sustainability and impact initiatives. Partner and Head of Sustainability at Actis, she’s also an Advisory Board member of the World Bank/IFC’s Operating Principles for Impact Management, and an Advisory Panel Member of the G7 Impact Taskforce (ITC). Before joining Actis in 2014, Shami was a senior consultant at PwC’s Sustainability and Climate Change team for ten years. She also led the London business of Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, and worked with the United Nations Development Programme in Central America. In this episode she discusses the crucial role of collaborative learning in the sustainability sector, the strategic importance of transitional fuels in achieving environmental goals, and the challenges of 'green hushing' within the industry. 

Embrace Collaborative Learning:

Shami discusses the frustrations of ‘green hushing’, and its potential to undermine collaboration for the greater good. She argues that open discussion and sharing of best practice is the surest way to accelerate collective growth and innovation, and avoid reinventing solutions to common challenges.

Adopt Transitional Fuels Strategically:

Highlighting the critical role of transitional fuels like natural gas, Shami emphasises that shifting directly to renewable energy sources isn't as simple as flipping a metaphorical switch. Instead, these fuels act as necessary bridges, providing stability and supporting economic development while paving the way for a more sustainable energy future in emerging markets.

Apply Lessons from Global Development to Infrastructure Investments:

Reflecting on her experiences with the UN Development Programme, Shami discusses the need for incorporating community-based, sustainable development principles in infrastructure investments. This approach ensures that projects not only meet environmental standards but also enhance the social structures of the communities they impact.